
Food Photography

By now, I bet you are quite familiar with how terrible my photography skills are. Maybe not photography generally but food photography.

Long before I started blogging, I had been given to always taking photos. Even before social media became widespread, there was hardly a week of my life not captured in photos. Whether it's something I'm doing for the first time or I've done a thousand times over, there is always a snapshot just to remember the moment.

The idea of photography feels to me like the concept of freezing time. A click that locks time and all that transpires in the moment we say "cheese". No wonder over the years, humans have evolved from using the camera to living for the camera.

It was during one of my photography adventures, I came in close contact with the world of food and although I enjoy taking shots, I soon realized there is a stretch between loving photos and taking good photos. Apparently, being the object of the picture is a lot less stressful than being the hand behind the camera and even more tasking is the setup required to achieve a beautiful image.

It's 2022 and food photography grows impetuously onward. It is fast becoming a recognized discipline not just for food lovers but to any creative mind and persons in the social space. Personally, the top food bloggers and refined chefs I meet occasionally often advice a key way to track culinary progress is to make a photo of everything one prepares.

As daunting as the task of snapping food can be for me, I love to follow professional advice and that is the only reason I took a photo of this catfish pepper soup I made one evening after being soaked by the rain on my way home. Despite the poor contrast in the snapshot due to my laziness to set the photo stage and the noisy rumblings from my hungry stomach, you can tell from the look of this plate that my fish peppersoup can make you pray for rain everyday.

I will do better next time with my shots but if I can't redeem myself after the myraids of online food photography courses I've subscribed for, I'll just hire a professional and reserve my focus for my area of authority.
