

 I walked into the shopping mall that hot afternoon with an intention to buy scouring powder, detergent and bin bags. With such a short shopping list, I had already estimated my entire time inside the mall to take not more than five (5) minutes.

In no time, I had detergent and bin bags in my basket but no scouring powder in sight. Finding my desired brand of scouring powder or at least any type of scouring powder led me to patrol every aisle and even the shelfs allotted to other items unrelated to cleaning agents.

After a thorough search of so many shelves, I admitted that truly as I was earlier informed, the mall had depleted their stock of scouring powder. Now, the reason I went ahead to search despite being told is, sometimes sales attendants give negative responses to get customers off their backs (happened to me several times).

My mind had already considered all the minutes I spent searching as a waste until my eyes took notice of a beautiful piece. Hidden in the midst of so many ceramic wares was a beautiful slender white serving plate shaped in the form of a fish.


My mind was delighted

My thoughts quickly left my desire for scouring powder to a vivid imagination of fish and chips served in that beautiful plate. Right there and then, I drafted a mental list for a savory fried croaker fish and crispy chips paired with a fiery and colourful vegetable sauce.

Impulsively, I was already in the fresh food section, picking the items in my mental list whilst doing a mock of the cooking process in my head. In seconds, my after shopping itinerary had migrated from cleaning to cooking.

Of course, I didn't leave the shopping mall without that plate, in fact I bought two of it. This was one of the quickest decisions with zero regrets. No time was lost in transforming my raw items to an ambrosial gourmet.

Making this dinner, serving it in that attractive plate and recounting the experience to my family, left us graciously satisfied.

I eventually got scouring powder somewhere else. I really  needed it to scrub the fire marks on the pan I used in frying the fish.

Now that I've come to end of my story, by all means, please groak, but at your screen😉 


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